Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ryan Turns 10!!!

My little Ryan isn't so little anymore... He is now 10 and 4'10". I took him, Tyler and Ryan's best friend in school, Scott, to Chuck E. Cheese on the Sunday before his birthday. For those of you who aren't mothers of little ones, that is a place with pizza, arcade, games and animated mice and other animals to bring joy and an empty pocket book to your life... We all had a great time though and there are a few pics attached. Then on his actual birthday, I surprised him with a new bike! More pics attached too. Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Update for the 3-day Walk in August for Breast Cancer

Just wanted to share some exciting things happening in regards to the 3-Day walk I'm participating in August...

I've got a team started now - there are three of us. My friend Jessica decided on Sunday evening to join me and we are thinking hard of a team name. This evening another lady work with, Melissa, heard that we are walking and she has signed up too!

I've got my first $100 in donations from 3 donors and I have challenged myself even more - I've upped my goal to $3000.00!!!!! I know I can do it...I'm 3% of the way there now and I have 24 weeks til my walk. Hope you can help out!

Also, Jessica came up with a great idea and we are going to do this: as people sponsor us, if they would like us to commemorate a loved one (either in honor or memory) we will add their names to pink t-shirts that we will wear on our journey. We will in essence carry all these people on our backs through the 3-day walk. So, get online, make a donation, email with a name and I'll carry them with me in August!

I've started my training and just before the snow storm of last weekend I took my first 2-mile walk in the cool sunshine. I'm off to Cleveland this Saturday for a 3-mile kick-off walk to start my 24-week training plan!

Please visit for more information!